T2-9  Neuroprotective effects of INT- 777 against Aβ1- 42- induced cognitive impairment, neuroinflammation, apoptosis, and synaptic dysfunction in mice
WU Xian, LYU Yang-ge, DU Yi-feng, CHEN Fang, Miranda N REED, HU Mei, Vishnu SUPPIRAMANIAM, TANG Su-su, HONG Hao
T2-9  Neuroprotective effects of INT- 777 against Aβ1- 42- induced cognitive impairment, neuroinflammation, apoptosis, and synaptic dysfunction in mice
WU Xian, LYU Yang-ge, DU Yi-feng, CHEN Fang, Miranda N REED, HU Mei, Vishnu SUPPIRAMANIAM, TANG Su-su, HONG Hao
中国药理学与毒理学杂志 . 2018, (9): 688 -689 .